In accordance with ISO 9001 2008, walkways with an incline of 10º or more, must utilise cleats for increased slip resistance. HD Steel can supply 10mm square pre-welded cleats at prescribed intervals to suit your specific application. A variety of anti-slip nosing options are also available for stair treads, suitable for walkway and ramp applications.
The serrated profile surface is another option to consider for improved slip resistance on sloping or wet areas. HD Steel grating profiles are available in plain or serrated surface patterns. The choice of grating material is dependent on the environmental conditions of the application. For example, the potential for corrosion and level of exposure to water will influence the decision.
Maintenance Production Platforms
HD STEEL,grating provides a safe working surface that allows light and air to penetrate in process plants, on platforms, around air conditioning systems and for any application where maintenance access is required. Depending on the application, a range of lightweight options are available, or if the supporting steel needs to be minimized, grating profiles utilising bars with deeper sections are also available for specification.
Platforms that require extra protection to prevent small objects falling through the grates or off the edge, can incorporate any number of HD Steel solutions, depending on the application. Plate ,provides chequer plate above the grating, while meshis applied below the grating, catching tools and small items from falling throught the grating. Kickplate is often specified to prevent small objects falling off the edge of the platform, welded to the edge of the grating instead of welding it to the handrail system. Kickplate can be welded around any internal opening or along panel ends, for extra peace of mind. Particular consideration needs to be given to the length of panels and panel splits, to ensure safety during installation. Panels can be detailed to fit around the existing structure, but clear specifications at the early planning stages ensures the correct fit.
Provide HD Steel with your outline drawings, panel sizes (if rectangular or square) and finishing requirements and HD Steel will do the rest. Visit the individual product sections, outlined below, for details on the patterns available, stock panels and options available. Alternatively, Contact HD Steel directly for assistance.