HD STEEL, manufacturing of tanks and silos, small or large, pressurized or non-pressurized St or stainless, different shapes and capacities tank is used for these purposes or stores. In each type and the capacity of the tank or silo manufactures can or factory manufacturing on the spot and make the Assembly instead.

Depending on the nature of the material to be put into, St material manufactured tanks, chemicals or flammable special coverings to that item. In this way should be special and expensive materials manufacturing tanks ready for use with a more economical price.

In each capacity of each type of tank or silo manufacture and installation, tank coating work internally or externally of the scene are being carried out by our company.

Cr-Ni material, implicit or explicit, fixed or mobile, pressure or vacuum, non-capacity limit silo or tank manufacturing on a turnkey basis or project appropriate fabrication and erection . After blasting painting works, steel construction erection works on foot.

This can be mechanical or pneumatic mixer option that stores.

Tank and silo manufacturing our range;

-Pressurized Tank Manufacturing

-Hot and cold product storage tanks,

-Single Wall Fuel Tanks,

-Molasses Tanks,

-Vertical and Horizontal air receivers,

-Cr Ni (Stainless) Tanks,

-Expansion Tanks,

-Air Compressor Air Tanks

-Oil Tanks,

-Reactors and Mixer Tanks,

-Silo Manufacturing,

-Heat Exchangers,

-Desired size and size tanks.